Calming the Crisis Virtual Session
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Working at the Office

Calming the Crisis: Are You R.E.A.D.Y.?

5 Steps to Effectively Respond to a Mental Health Crisis in the Workplace

Attention All Leaders and Employees!

The step-by-step R.E.A.D.Y. Action Plan provides a clear pathway, guiding you from uncertainty and apprehension surrounding workplace mental health crises, to effectively responding with confidence and compassion.

APRIL 12th, 2024

11am-12:30pm PST

(12pm MST, 1pm CST, 2pm EST)

Can you make it?

Attending this training was a game-changer for me and my team. We feel way better equipped and confident in knowing what to do and say in a mental health crisis.

Ronaldo Ruiz, HR Manager, North Carolina

Does any of this hit home?

If so, you’re in the right place!

You are eager to provide meaningful support to the person in crisis, but you are worried about doing or saying the wrong thing?


You feel like you’re unprepared to navigate workplace tensions caused by a crisis event that occurred in front of other staff?

You're trying to create a positive, supportive environment, but it feels like an uphill battle?

What if...




You could recognize the signs of a mental health crisis and offer immediate, compassionate support?


You had a step-by-step guide to de-escalate tense situations and help a colleague regain a sense of calm?


You could cultivate self-care practices to support both yourself and your colleagues through difficult situations?

It’s time you learn the R.E.A.D.Y. Action Plan to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and supported.


  • Understand the importance of offering immediate and compassionate support during a mental health crisis.


  • Practice empathy and active listening techniques to connect with colleagues experiencing distress.


  • Learn a step-by-step approach for managing and diffusing tense situations effectively.


  • Recognize available crisis support services for immediate help and ongoing employee support.


  • Implement self-care strategies to manage personal stressors when supporting colleagues in distress.

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